Alexander N. Gorban |
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Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences
Brief InformationGorban Alexander Nikolaevich was born in April 19, 1952 in Omsk city. Father - an exiled Ukrainian historian and writer Nikolay Vasilyevich (Mikola) Gorban, Mother - Debora Yakovlevna Sapozhnikova - a teacher of literature (first - at Omsk Pedagogical Institute, then - at school). He studied at Novosibirsk physical and mathematical school and then at the Department of Physics of Novosibirsk University. In 1968 he organized a students' remonstrance against political processes, and was excluded from the university. He had never politicized again. He finished vocational school and then worked as a turner. Alexander Nikolaevich mastered various trades - from metal working up to the craft of an actor. In 1972 he graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Omsk Pedagogical Institute. In 1980 he took a scientific degree of Candidate of Physics and Mathematics in the speciality 01.00.02 - Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. In 1991 he took a scientific degree of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics in the speciality 03.00.02 - Biophysics. A scientific rank of a professor in the speciality "Application of Computer Techniques and Mathematical Modeling in Scientific Researches " was given to him in 1993. Now A.N. Gorban is a professor, an expert in Computer Science and Mathematical Modeling, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. He is the author and co-author of more than 200 scientific works, including 14 monographies. Scientific and scientific - organizational activity A.N. Gorban has created several new scientific directions:
The school of A.N. Gorban has gained popularity in Russia and abroad by the researches in physical, chemical and biological kinetics and the theory of dynamic systems and trained neural networks. Under the direction of A.N. Gorban and with his direct participation the technology of construction of neural expert systems and extraction of knowledge with the help logically transparent neural networks is being created. Also numerous applied expert systems are being developed. A.N. Gorban is a trustee of Russian Association of Neural Information Science. He also has an experience of scientific and organizational work. He has participated in the establishment of Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science and for 4 years has been the vice-president of the expert council of the Fund. Together with AMSE international association he has established a scientific magazine "Scientific Siberian" (18 volumes were issued in France). He has founded in Krasnoyarsk State Technical University the Chair of Neural Computers (the first Chair of that kind in Russia) and now runs it. Alexander Gorban holds Annual All-Russia Seminar "Neural Information Science and its Applications", he is a chairman of its Organizing committee and a member of the dissertation council. He has supervised over the grants of Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches, Federal Goal Program "Integration", Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science, the subprogram of Ministry of Science "Perspective Information Technologies". He has been a member of Scientific Council of Ministry of Science on perspective information technologies and a chief of the workgroup on neural information science and neural computers. He has received a state scientific grant for outstanding scientists and the grant of Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches for the support of scientific schools. In 1994-1996 American Mathematical Society had been fixing him a grant. Together with Texas Technical University he has won the grant of National Scientific Fund of USA. A.N. Gorban has been working by the invitation at Clay Mathematical Institute (Boston, USA), Courant Mathematical Institute (New York, USA), Institute of Higher Scientific Researches (IHES, Paris, France), Zurich Federal Polytechnical School (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland). Within 6 years he has been working as a deputy director on science at ICM SB RAS. He has been in charge of work with young scientists, has been organizing interaction with Institutes of Higher Education of the region and coordinating work on regional informatization. During this period a series of grants of Federal Goal Program "Integration" has been won together with Institutes of Higher Education of the region (A.N. Gorban has been a coordinator of three of them). Having won a regional competition the Institute has become a head developer of the Program of Informatization of Krasnoyarsk Region. Annual All-Russia conference "Problems of Informatization of the Region" organized on the initiative of A.N. Gorban now takes place. A.N. Gorban has done a lot for the preparation of the scientific staff and still keeps doing. Several Western universities have sent their trainees to A.N. Gorban. For more than 20 years he has been teaching in various Institutes of Higher Education. There are 6 Doctors and more than 20 Candidates of Sciences among his students. |